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LoaderTimothy's 2021 Blog & Portfolio –



Hello! I'm Timothy, a Malaysian student at Imperial College London – studying Electronic and Information Engineering, with a keen interest in machine learning, full-stack development, mathematics, data science, blockchain and fintech. Beside these STEM disciplines, I'm also into media arts (photography/video), music and design. This site serves as a collection of my works and creativity – happy browsing!


Engineering & Computing

My degree allows me to pursue my interests in both electronic engineering and computer science. I enjoy playing around with Lego Mindstorms and Arduinos and intend to build robotics/electronic skills at university. I'm well-versed with Python, HTML, Javascript, CSS and have experience with C++, R, LaTeX, and Git.


I really, really, really like maths (to the point of almost studying a degree in it). Currently auditing courses and trying my hand at a few Maths modules at university for the challenge!

Data Science & Statistics

In my EPQ research of AI Ethics, I learnt the importance of data manipulation and collection in training AI models. I joined the Interdisciplinary Modelling Group at Imperial College London to model real-world problems with computer algorithms, machine learning, and data science.

Music & Harmony

I'm a huge fan of jazz/fusion/contemporary music, also covering other genres such as Bossa Nova, R&B, Funk, etc. Also a big music theory nerd for Jacob Collier-esque music, his super-ultra-hyper-mega-meta-lydian style and reharm work. In the past, I've served as a chapel musican, and play the drums, piano, bass, and guitar. Recently, I've been rediscovering (my traditional Asian roots of) classical piano and zero improvisation for the technical benefit.

Design and Arts

I find UX/UI design very fascinating, along with the thereapeutic joy of creating pretty graphics and finding lovely font pairings. I also enjoy photography and videography and have worked in my school's production team in the past.




My current blog for documenting stuff about things I find interesting. Made with Hugo and deployed with Netlify, using a modified design from Jimmy Cai's Stack Theme.


A static site blog with CMS configured for The Other Side of The Story (TOSS), a non-profit NGO raising awareness about matters relating to mental health in the youth. Powered by Hugo and Netlify.


During my A-Levels, I wrote about topics in my Personal Statement to become properly informed on research interests for the admissions interviews.


A collection of some pictures shot on my travels, edited by me. Cameras used: Panasonic Lumix GH5, iPhone XS


Pretty much proof-of-concept stuff and snippets of code from online bodged together into working creations, linked below.

LoaderTimothy's 2021 Blog & Portfolio –

boujee linktree

LoaderTimothy's 2021 Blog & Portfolio –


random stuff – 
Vector Field Art →

Made with P5.js and a dash of perlin noise!

See the Pen Simplex Noise Vectors + Rotate by Timothy (@timothycdc) on CodePen.

React Markdown Previewer →

Learning how to use React. Will preview Markdown in the entry form.

ThreeJS Blobs and Shaders →

My first foray into GLSL, based off Mario Carillo's Codrops tutorial. I played around with shaders to make some colourful blobs, and used Perlin noise to generate distortion and model the colour points based off their vertex displacement.

Interaction Repulsion Effect With ThreeJS →

Example project built on on Ion D. Filho's tutorial code of 3D shapes which are attracted to cursor/touch, to get to grips with ThreeJS and how to incorporate GSAP animations to objects. Also added a font-loader and updated it to the new GSAP 3.0 syntax.

Old Portfolio Art →

Inspired by Ilithya's art on CodePen, I made a scene with similar elements for the old version of my site. It's saved here.

Liquid Marbling Effect with Shaders and Curtains.JS →

An earlier prototype of the home section in my portfolio. The liquid effect is created by altering vertices of a plane the z-axis taking input from mouse coordinates/touch coordinates.

Link Escaper →

A fancy landing page that takes an IP address or URL and redirects to it. This site allow me to connect an in-app browser (with no access to the address bar) to a local development server. Made with Bulma CSS. You can find the longer explanation on the site – the use case is rather niche!

Siri Shortcut Bookmarklet →

On my Chrome desktop browser, I use the Video Speed Controller (VSC) extension to speed up videos on my YouTube binges. The App Store doesn't offer a similar extension for my iPad Pro when I'm using Safari to access YouTube. Since Siri Shortcuts allows JavaScript code to be run in a browser, I made this little productivity tool.